The Sea-ice Ocean Coupled Assimilation (SOCA) project at the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Integration (JCSDA) is working with NOAA and NASA to develop improved marine data assimilation methods for the next generation of seasonal to sub-seasonal prediction systems. This real-time system is being implemented as a testbed for SOCA software development.

For questions or comments please contact: Travis Sluka , Guillaume Vernieres

A real-time demonstration of marine data assimilation working within the JEDI framework.

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An observation-space 3DVAR is used with a multivariate covariance between T/S/SSH (Weaver et al, 2006).

JEDI is used for universal forward operators (UFO), observation I/O database (IODA), variational solvers (OOPS), and static background error representation (SABER)

MOM6/SIS2 ocean/ice model from NOAA/GFDL, horizontal resolution of 1 degree, 75 hybrid vertical levels

1 day DA cycle, run nightly with a 48 hr day delay. All changes to code perform a 15 day retrospective reanalysis

Upgrade to low-resolution 3DEnVAR / LETKF

High resolution regional Gulf of Mexico domain