
The following information represents the version of the git repositories used at the time of compilation for the most recent nightly run of real-time soca. All time durations show are relative to the most recent end-of-run time of:
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020 03:42:06 MST

This Repository

soca-realtime (554c308) 3 days ago force change of repo urls <Travis Sluka>
force change of repo urls <Travis Sluka>

Upstream Repositories

The release/nightly branch of soca-realtime will pull from the latest develop branch of the following upstrem repositories of the ecbuild bundle. The master branch will pull from a specific tagged version.

atlas (e0b7709) 5 months ago Merge pull request #23 from JCSDA/feature/release-staged<Mark Miesch>
Merge pull request #23 from JCSDA/feature/release-staged <Mark Miesch>
eckit (cb9a4d1) 5 months ago Feature/release staged (#13)<Mark Miesch>
Feature/release staged (#13) <Mark Miesch>
fckit (8502aae) 5 months ago Feature/release staged (#24)<Mark Miesch>
Feature/release staged (#24) <Mark Miesch>
fms (f28abfe) 9 weeks ago Merge pull request #22 from JCSDA/feature/cold_starts<Daniel Holdaway>
Merge pull request #22 from JCSDA/feature/cold_starts <Daniel Holdaway>
gsw (8987bf8) 1 year, 1 month ago Merge pull request #7 from JCSDA/bugfix/cmake_install<Travis sluka>
Merge pull request #7 from JCSDA/bugfix/cmake_install <Travis sluka>
ioda (738fa41) 4 months ago fix test includes for oops ecbuild-update-r1 (#450)<Travis Sluka>
fix test includes for oops ecbuild-update-r1 (#450) <Travis Sluka>
ioda-converters (f6e4a1b) 3 months ago fix units for crtm as they are different units. All radiance geovals have units of ppmv for ozone. (#302)<Bryan Karpowicz>
fix units for crtm as they are different units. All radiance geovals have units of ppmv for ozone. (#302) <Bryan Karpowicz>
mom6 (4469d6d) 4 months ago Add an option to run MOM6 with ocean biogeochemistry (BLING model) (#18)<Xiao Liu>
Add an option to run MOM6 with ocean biogeochemistry (BLING model) (#18) <Xiao Liu>
oops (16d6cb2) 4 months ago Make sure oops_BINDIR exists in the bundle (#752)<Mark J Olah>
Make sure oops_BINDIR exists in the bundle (#752) <Mark J Olah>
saber (e0998b6) 4 months ago Merge pull request #130 from JCSDA/bugfix/horizontal_smoother<benjaminmenetrier>
Merge pull request #130 from JCSDA/bugfix/horizontal_smoother <benjaminmenetrier>
soca (bfaf31e) 4 months ago fix return of test/executables (#413)<Travis Sluka>
fix return of test/executables (#413) <Travis Sluka>
ufo (3bc41eb) 4 months ago Fixing more test dependencies (#1183)<Maryam Abdi>
Fixing more test dependencies (#1183) <Maryam Abdi>